Kings Norton Redevelopment Works

Please excuse our appearance whilst we redevelop your Kings Norton Household Recycling Centre (HRC) to modernise it to make recycling and donating for reuse easier and accessible to all.

Redevelopment works will commence on 10 March 2025 and are expected to last three years. 

During the redevelopment site, vans and trailers will not be permitted at the HRC. 

Please note, daily closures will be in place between 8am and 10am Monday to Fridays from Monday 24 March during the redevelopment works. This will be reflected in the booking form and residents are reminded early access to the site will not be permitted for 10am bookings. All other HRCs will be available from 8am as usual.

The Kings Norton HRC will be available to Birmingham residents  local to the site and will be able to bring the following  materials to the site:

General waste


Green waste


Plastic (bottles, tubs and trays), glass, and metal (tins and cans)

WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment)



Rubble & soil






POPs (Persistent organic pollutants)



Smaller recycling containers for the following materials will be available on site:

  • Fridges

  • Gas bottles

  • TVs

  • Car batteries

  • Cooking oil

  • Engine oil

  • Coffee pods

  • Ink cartridges

  • Clothes

  • Reuse

Materials that won't be collected on site are large domestic appliances (LDAs), TetraPAK, books and fluorescent tubes


Please note, there are reduced booking slots at the recycling centre during the redevelopment and no vans or trailers are permitted on site during the works. To ease any potential disruption, residents are advised to use the city’s remaining recycling centres, but are advised there is high availability at Castle Bromwich HRC:

  • Tameside Drive, Castle Bromwich, B35 7AG

  • Holford Drive, Perry Barr, B42 2TU

  • Norris Way, Sutton Coldfield, B75 7BB

  • James Road, Tyseley, B11 2BA